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You may not be able to attend one of our open events so why not take a look around and meet some of our fantastic staff by clicking on the video above.

Our staff all understand that the school will feel really big to students joining us in September next year, especially in the first few weeks, and that you may not be able to find where you are going. You will soon get to know your way around and feel part of the BHA family.

Here is a virtual tour that we have created. We hope that pupils can start to feel familiar with the environment.

Along the way you will meet some members of staff from each department. Unlike primary school, students move from lesson to lesson and may be taught by up to six teachers each day. You will soon get to know them.

Welcome from the Principal


Welcome from the Head of Year 7

Open Days

Virtual Tour

Book a Tour

Pupil Testimonials

Online SENCO Meetings

Contact Us