Hello everyone,

Please find below, this week’s parent and carer update letter.  A PDF version is available via the link below if you prefer to view in this format.

Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.


11 June 2021

Dear Parent/ Carer

I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing and safe half term holiday. There has been a very positive atmosphere in school this week. I would like to thank all the students for how well they have adapted to moving around the school, they have done this very calmly and sensibly.

Uniform Expectations
Our school uniform policy requires the support of parents. We want our pupils to be smartly and sensibly dressed, and despite fashion trends we aim to have a uniform which is practical, comfortable and fit for purpose, but also reflects the ethos and values of the Academy.
Jewellery is not permitted except for a watch and a pair of stud ear-rings. No other piercings are allowed. Make up should not be noticeable. False nails, false eyelashes or coloured nail varnish are not allowed.
We have seen an increase in facial piercings and false nails. Please can I remind all that neither are acceptable. As of Monday, the 14 June any student who attends the Academy wearing a facial piercing or false nails will be isolated until the matter can be rectified. You support, as ever is very much appreciated.

Breakfast at Home
The National School Breakfast Programme has launched its breakfast at home on the Family Action website, where you will find lots of information and advice on providing a low cost, nutritious, daily breakfast at home. www.family-action.org.uk/BreakfastAtHome

Work Experience
Any work experience done by students is a valuable entry on their CV. This makes them stand out to future employers who recognize the initiative they have shown in undertaking this.
As it has not been possible to arrange actual work experience this year, due to COVID and lockdown, students in Year 10 will be undertaking virtual work experience this term using the site https://www.vwes.co.uk/login.
Log on details will be provided and, when they have these, students can complete career categories independently as well as in school. Completed assignments should be submitted via TEAMS. Completion of career categories can be included on their CV’s and entered on the START platform, and any additional categories completed independently will be certificated.

START – Careers Platform
Every student has now been given access to the careers’ platform “START”. Access is free and it encourages students to consider their future career potential as well as recording/tracking all their hobbies and experiences which will be included in their CV’s in due course. It also provides an opportunity for you to support your child by discussing Post 16 options with them, and the requirements for their chosen career path.
Students can access their profile at any time and from any device. We would encourage them to explore their career options and update their interests and hobbies regularly. This will help the Careers Department to target such as events and talks by external speakers.
It is accessed at https://www.startprofile.com/. The student log on details are the same as they use for Microsoft Teams.
If you have any queries regarding accessing or using the platform please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Holdcroft (Careers Administrator) on 01782 233595.

Y10 Period 6
After half term we will be starting Year 10 Period 6 sessions. Please see the below timetable of which subjects take place on which day.

Y10 Parent Information Meeting
Thank you to all who were able to attend the virtual Y10 Parent information meeting. The link to the recording and the power point can be viewed on our website.

Weekly Questionnaire
Each week we are conducting a short survey so that we can better support your needs. This week the focus is on Communication. Please use this link to submit your responses and thank you in advance for taking the time. https://forms.office.com/r/ywLfDU719G

Please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format if you have any questions. You can contact the office by email on info@bircheshead.org.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours Sincerely

Ms K Dixon
