Students studying Spanish at Birches Head Academy (BHA) had the opportunity to put their language skills to the test during an October exchange visit with our partner school, Escolapios Granada Genil, in the beautiful city of Granada.

Students experienced first-hand what it’s like to be a student living in Spain. This trip was the first exchange with the school in Granada, and was a great opportunity to learn language outside of lessons and truly experience a whole new lifestyle and culture.

Granada is a city in southern Spain’s Andalusia region, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It’s known for grand examples of medieval architecture dating to the Moorish occupation. Students spent two days at our partner school, presenting to various classes in Spanish and English, where they interviewed the exchange students that are going to visit Stoke in September 2023.

There were many opportunities to practise the language and learn about the lifestyle and culture of students their own age. One evening students enjoyed a flamenco show, by a singer, a guitarist, and dancers. Mollie W, Year 11 student said: “the show was amazing, it gave me goose bumps!”.

During the trip, students also visited several different locations to learn about the Spanish culture through tours, dance, museums, food and more. This opportunity will raise cultural awareness, create a real opportunity to improve linguistic skills, build confidence in students and improve communication skills amongst students.

Our project, in partnership with Escolapios Granada Genil, aims to focus on well-being and the environment for the future. Our plans for 2022-2023 are to combine two STEM Projects, The Landscape Gardening Club and the Eco Club, with the Language Detectives Club and work closely with our partner school on two important concerns among young people today, environmental issues and well-being. This project will also provide opportunities to enrich the learning of the students at BHA.

Noah P, Year 11 student said: “I was proud of myself that the Spanish students could understand what I was saying”. Malaika K, Year 11 student added: “The Alhambra was such a beautiful place to visit and it was great to learn more about the history of Spain”

The experience was funded by the Turing Fund, who provide once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for students. The development of this exchange programme complements our school curriculum and high expectations that our students will engage in learning a foreign language to GCSE level by 2025.

Katie Dixon, Principal at Birches Head Academy said: “It was a fantastic experience for our students to be able to see how Spanish schools work… I was very proud to see them using their language skills talking and presenting to the Spanish children. I look forward to the return visit!

Shirley Kliment-Temple, Exchange Organiser and Teacher of Languages said: “It was great to see the confidence of the students grow in such a short period of time. Working with the students and teachers in the Spanish school will give language learning a real boost in our Academy.”