School Information for Ofsted

Contact Information

  • School Name: Birches Head Academy
  • Postal address: Birches Head Academy, Birches Head Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8DD
  • Telephone number: 01782 233595
  • Name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public: Jocey Bracegirdle, PA to the Principal
  • Name of the principal: Mr Paul Masher.
  • Name and address of the chair of the governing body: Roisin Maguire. To contact the Chair of Governors, please email or write to Chair of Governors, c/o Birches Head Academy, Birches Head Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8DD
  • Name and contact details of your special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO): Lynn Brammer– SENDCO

Information about the academy’s sponsor:

  • Academy Trust Information: Frank Field Education Trust. To contact the Academy Trust, please email or telephone 0151 318 9700. OR you can write to the Frank Field Education Trust at 164 Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 6EA.

Policies and Procedures

The Academy has high expectations of all its students in relation to their behaviour and self-discipline. Equally important are the procedures and practices we have adopted to safeguard the welfare of students. You can find a copy of the school’s policies and procedures here.

Exam and assessment results

  • This academy opened on 01/12/2020.
  • Schools are not required to publish their exam and assessment results from the 2019 to 2020 academic year as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State.
  • Please click here for Exam and Assessment results


The Academy must publish:

  • Learning Programmes: All pupils follow Learning Programmes in all subjects each half term. All pupils follow a Learning Programme (LP) in each subject. They detail the programme of study for each subject, setting out the core knowledge each child is expected to learn. All pupils follow the same Learning Programme. This means that all pupils are taught the same broad and balanced curriculum. The Learning Programme sequences the learning in a set period of time (7 or 8 weeks). It also outlines key words for each week and the homework which supports learning. It is really important that parents take an active interest in the learning that their child is experiencing. By following the Learning Programmes, parents can supplement the work being done in College through further enrichment activities or independent study.

    Each Learning Programme builds on prior learning and outlines links with previous and future topics The teacher explains how the learning links with previous learning and supports the learning to come. Retrieval practice is built into the teaching and learning process.

    It is expected that Learning Programmes are revised and updated each cycle in light of evaluation of their effectiveness and to reflect any changes in terms of content and gaps in knowledge.

  • the content of the KS3 curriculum
  • the content of the KS4 curriculum

Remote education

There are a number of online learning resources we have made available for pupils to use in the event of the school closing. All pupils will have work set daily on Microsoft Teams. Information about the school’s remote education provision can be found:

Pupil premium

Pupil Premium information for the current academic year:

Pupil Premium information can be found below for previous academic year:

Careers programme information

Local Governing body arrangements

The Governors at Birches Head Academy, work to ensure the school delivers a high standard of learning and teaching on behalf of the students.

This is a committed group, comprising of members of the Community, Parent/carer Governors, and Staff Governors, one of whom is the Principal. The current Governing Body comprises:

Charging and remissions policies

GDPR & Privacy Notices

  • For general questions or advice about the school’s data protection procedures or to alert us to any issues you may have in the way we may handle your or your child’s information please contact the Data Protection Officer on 0151 318 9700.

    You may contact the Trust’s Data Protection Officer direct at: Data Protection Officer, 164 Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 6EA. Email:

  • Please click here for further information about GDPR.

Requests for copies

If you would like to request paper copies of any of the information from this website, please call 01782 233595 or email