Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at BHA is designed in such a way to ensure that all students are individually known and supported by as many staff as possible to ensure they maximise their progress throughout their journey. Our team will ensure that students truly feel they are valued, have worth and are an important part of our community. It also means that students are involved in an ongoing dialogue about their participation and progress as they aspire to be more.

The Principal is assisted in the planning and delivery of pastoral care by a team which is led by the Vice Principal.

Senior Leadership Team – The Senior Leadership Team have the strategic overview for all pupils in the Academy. The Senior Leadership Team ensure that pupils receive the support they require to progress academically and socially. They the next layer of academic and social support from the Head of Learning, Tutor and Learning Coach.

Head of Learning – Head of Learning have a strategic overview of their year group supporting children’s progress academically and socially. Head of Learning manage Learning Coaches and Form Tutors to ensure all pupils receive the support they need. They the next layer of academic and social support from the Form Tutor and Learning Coach.

Learning Coaches – Learning Coaches are non-teaching members of staff who support children pastorally throughout their journey at the Academy. They provide the next layer of academic and social support from the Tutor.

Form Tutors – A Form Tutor is the first point of contact for pupils to review their academic progress and provide support both academically and socially.

Attendance & Welfare Officers – The Attendance and Welfare Officers provides support to pupils and families in breaking down barriers to attending school. The Attendance Officer works in conjunction with all of the above roles.

Academic Review

Academic Review takes place for 30 minutes in the middle of the day, it is an opportunity for staff and pupils to spend some time reflecting on the previous day/week and for Tutors to monitor the progress pupils are making. It is an opportunity for Tutors to get to know their pupils in a pastoral setting and to develop a holistic view of all aspects of the pupil’s life. The role of the Tutor is central to the smooth running of Academy routines and for the best possible education and care of pupils. Tutors are the daily point of contact with the pupils and have a unique opportunity to shape and mould their form in tune with the ethos and vision of the Academy community.

For Academic Review to be successful it is expected that Tutors:

  • take a register at the start of Academic Review on School Synergy
  • meet with pupils individually to monitor and track their academic progress, supporting the work of the HOL/LC;
  • check daily that pupils’ ‘Uniform and Appearance’ is correct to ensure the highest of standards are maintained;
  • will follow the menu of activities as directed by each year groups HOL/LC

An assembly rota is distributed in September.