7 January 2022


Dear Parent/Carer,


You may have seen the BBC Breakfast and Midlands Today reports filmed live at BHA on Tuesday showing how we conduct on site lateral flow tests.

Firstly I would like to highlight how brilliantly students represented the school and our community, speaking so honestly and eloquently about their feelings and also having the bravery to be filmed conducting their tests. I am very proud of them all.


COVID update

Following my letter sent 5 January 2022 detailing the measures and Government guidance which aims to keep the school community safe and support us in maintaining face to face teaching. There are some further changes to the Government guidance detailed below.


Changes to self-isolation period

From 11 January if you test positive on a LFD test, you no longer need to book a PCR test to confirm, if you do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. If you are displaying symptoms you will still be required to book a PCR test. Furthermore since the 22 December the 10-day self-isolation period for people who record a positive test result for Covid-19 has been reduced to 7 days. Individuals may now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period.


The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. If both these test results are negative, and the person does not have a high temperature, they may end their self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to school immediately.


Daily testing for close contacts of Covid-19

People who are fully vaccinated, or children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years and 6 months, identified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19, should take an LFD test every day for seven days and continue to attend school as normal, unless they have a positive test result or develop symptoms at any time.


Visitors to site

We would encourage all visitors to take a lateral flow test prior to arrival to Birches Head Academy. This proactive measure will help to reduce the spread and reduce the risk to our students and staff and to maintain face to face teaching.




Review day – Friday 14th January 2022

As you are aware all students in years 7-10 will learn at home on Friday 14th January with students in year 7 and 10 only coming into the academy in full uniform with at least one parent or guardian to meet with their subject teachers. If your child is in year 7 or 10 and you have not yet made appointments, please do so today using the school cloud guide which you have received. Please contact the academy office if you experience any problems. We are very keen that the event goes ahead as planned but we will update you in the event that we have to change this to a virtual event.  If you do not hear otherwise, please attend the academy in person as planned. Year 11 students have an English Literature mock examination paper and must arrive at school by 8:20am.  This is followed by DT Food mock examination for students who study this subject.  Students will be dismissed at the end of their exam/s and must return home and continue their revision.  They must wear their full school uniform and a limited number of refreshments will be available for those completing both examinations.


Extra-curricular activities – EC Timetable – 07 Jan 2022

We are delighted that so many students attended extra-curricular activities during the Autumn term, and attached is a copy of the Spring term extra-curricular timetable.  The only club which has to be pre-booked is the year 7 Bee Active club which takes place on Fridays and a link has been sent to enable you to do this.  All other clubs are open for students in years 7-10 to attend at any time and we continue to encourage all students to attend at least one club each week.


School Cross Country Championships

Gabriel, Harvey and Namo have been selected to represent the county in the upcoming School Cross Country Championships. A fantastic achievement for all three boys and we look forward to cheering them on, on the 5th February.



We have had an increased number of students requesting phone calls home to parents at the end of the school day, mainly to arrange transportation via taxi or collection arrangements with parents/carers. Can we please ask that you make arrangements with your child prior to them attending each day as we are unable to make these calls daily.


Lunchtime changes – Y7 & Y9

From Monday 10 January, we will be swapping the lunchtimes of Y7 & Y9. Y7 will now have lunch at 12.45pm they will have access to the Plaza, lower kiosk and lower atrium. This will be followed by their Academic Review time. Y9 will now have lunch in the Dining Hall at 1.15pm, with Academic Review at 12.45pm.


Microsoft Teams for Home Learning

To support this fantastic start to learning, we will continue to use Microsoft Teams to support our students with their learning. For every subject, every week, support materials linked to the Learning Programme are uploaded and available for students to access. Students can also access homework through Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams will continue from lockdown to be used in place attending school. If a student is absent from lessons for any reason, Microsoft Teams must be used to complete their learning. Students can access resources, complete and submit work and contact their subject teachers for support.

Usernames and passwords will be re issued this week to all students. Form tutors will be spending time modelling how to access and use Microsoft Teams and highlighting the importance of regularly engaging with the platform.


What can parents do to support?

Students must make every effort to log on to Microsoft Teams and complete the work set when absent from school. This will allow them to keep up with their studies. Please support us by encouraging your child to log on. Teachers will be setting work weekly which matching the work for each week of the Learning Programmes taught. Students can either submit work online, photograph written work and upload it or bring written work back to school on their return.


Where can I find a user guide?

The user guide for Microsoft Teams can be found on the Birches Head Academy website. Students can view Microsoft Teams via the school website on laptops, smart phones, or tablets. Microsoft Teams is free to download as an app on any device.


Please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format if you have any questions. You can contact the office by email on info@bircheshead.org.uk.


Thank you in advance for your continued support


Yours Sincerely

Ms K Dixon
