Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you and your families had an enjoyable half-term break. As we commence the final half term of this academic year, I wanted to write and share some updates on different aspects of school life with you.

Consistency Across The Academy

Following any break or holiday period, it is absolutely critical that we reorientate pupils back into positive learning habits and this is achieved by all pupils upholding our school rules and engaging positively with our routines.

We have had a spotlight on uniform standards and punctuality before the half term break, with great success, and this will continue across the remaining weeks to ensure all pupils are ready to learn and maximising their learning time.

We will continue to uphold our high standards and expectations across the academy and it has been my pleasure in meeting and celebrating the positive attitude and successes of our pupils who have been nominated by their Heads of Learning for our ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ celebrations, which you may have seen on social media.

Celebrating our pupils and their success is fundamental to our drive to shift our culture and I look forward to meeting more of our fantastic pupils who are ambassadors for BHA in the coming weeks. We will, of course, continue to support pupils to meet our high standards and expectations and challenge those who choose not to.

Year 10 Mock Exams

As you are aware our pupils will sit their GCSE examinations at the end of next academic year. In

order to prepare them for the challenges ahead they are currently sitting mock examinations until Friday 5 July. It is crucial that all Year 10 pupils see this time as one of great importance! Mrs Orlando has communicated within assembly today that mock examinations are a crucial diagnostic tool, in which both teachers and pupils can identify areas for development to ensure success in their GCSE subjects next year. Please see Year 10 exam timetable for next week below:

I’d also like to congratulate Year 10 on their conduct during the first week of their mock examinations.  On Monday, the whole year group sat their English Exam, that’s 211 pupils who lined up, listened attentively to the instructions, walked silently into the exam hall and worked solidly for the hour, in silence, as expected. This was the first time that they had taken exams in a formal setting and we are very proud of them all. I wish all Year 10 pupils the best of luck in their remaining exams next week.

Year 11 exams

We are now into the final 2 weeks of Year 11 GCSE examinations and I would like to thank parents and carers for your continued support. The overall attitude, conduct and punctuality remain good and I therefore ask for your support in helping us to ensure that all pupils continue to follow uniform expectations which includes nails, shoes and jewellery and that you check that they have the correct equipment for the exams. As exams are completed we we will be holding our final Year 11 celebrations and it would be disappointing to have to withdraw any further invitations to our celebrations at this stage.

 Experience Week 15 July-19 July

During the last week of this academic year, pupils in year 7, 8 and 9 will take part in Experience week. The week aims to offer pupils at BHA a variety of different enrichment opportunities to immerse our pupils in local and international culture. During the week, pupils will visit places of local and national heritage and will have the opportunity to take part in a program of exiting activities. Please ensure that consent forms are returned to school as soon as possible to ensure that your child can take part in this exciting week.

Breakfast Club

Just a reminder that our free breakfast club is available everyday from 08.00am to 08.20am in the main dining hall. There will be bagels, toast and cereal for any pupil who attends. All pupils are welcome.

 Parent Forum

Our next Parent Forum meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 11 July at 9.30am until 11am.  Parent Forums are where a small number of parents / carers can meet the Principal and members of the school Leadership Team for an opportunity to speak about the BHA vision, school improvement and to address any queries or misconceptions. If you are interested in attending the Parent Forum meeting, please contact J Bracegirdle on by Tuesday 9 July.

 Dates to remember

Friday 21 June 2024:  Year 11 Leavers Assembly

Thursday 27 June 2024: Year 11 Prom

Friday 28 June 2024: Examination contingency day

Thursday 11 July: Awards Evening

Please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format if you have any questions. You can contact the office by email on

Yours Sincerely

Mr P Masher
