Hello everyone,
Please find below, information regarding a local covid clinic session being held in Meir on the 31st May. Any queries, please contact the team directly on the details below.
A clinic session is being held at Holy Trinity Church, Watchfield Close, Meir, ST3 5PY on Tuesday 31st May 2022, this is a walk in session (no appointment needed) for 12-15 year olds to receive their Covid vaccination. Clinic is running from 1000 – 1500 hrs
You will be asked to fill in a consent form on arrival – if you have your child’s NHS number please can you bring this with you as it helps our process (but don’t worry if you can’t find it!)
If your child has tested positive for Covid in the last 12 weeks please be advised that your child will not be able to have the Covid vaccine until after this time. The 12 week date is the 8th March 2022. (Clinically vulnerable children need to wait 28 days following a positive Covid test which is 2nd May 2022
If your child has received a Covid vaccine in the last 12 weeks please be advised that your child will not be able to have their second vaccine until after this time. The 12 week date is the 23rd August 2022. (Clinically vulnerable children can be vaccinated at 8 weeks – 26th July 2022.
Please can you ensure that only 1 parent/person with Parental Responsibility accompanies your child and where possible please do not bring any other children with you – this is due to the limitations of space in the clinic
To make you aware we will ask you and your child to wear a mask and we will be maintaining social distancing at the clinic
Once your child has received their vaccine they will need to wait 15 minutes at the clinic
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment due to the limited space. If you have any questions these can be answered on the day as there will be qualified staff at the clinics
More information can be found at
12-15 year olds – Together We’re Better (twbstaffsandstoke.org.uk)
Kind Regards,
Kylie Ekin – Admin Support
CYP Covid Vaccination Programme
Telephone Number : 01283 352083
Email : 12-15covidimms@mpft.nhs.uk