Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well.  Please find below, the latest update letter from the Academy.  There is also a PDF version just below if you prefer to read in this format.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!



21 May 2021


Dear Parent/ Carer


Consistency throughout the Academy

Assemblies this week have focused-on Consistency throughout the Academy and it has been a pleasure to discuss the Academy vision with all year groups. The assemblies have also provided us with a great opportunity to remind students about all of the systems and expectations we have in place to maintain high standards.  All Senior Leaders discussed the Academy’s ‘red lines’ which are:


-swearing at a member of staff

-defying or refusing to follow instructions from a member of Senior Leadership team

-crossing into another year group bubble

-refusing to attend the Internal Exclusion Centre


If students cross these “red lines” it will result in a fixed term exclusion.


Punctuality to school and lessons is of the upmost importance. Detentions for either being late to school or lessons will be centralised and after half term will always take place the same day after school for 20 minutes. The sanction is used if a student is late to school or any lesson.


And finally, just a polite reminder to restock you child’s stationary/school equipment for the new half term. It is expected that all students arrive daily with the necessary equipment to support their learning (Pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, planner).


All Year Groups – Examinations Fortnight

Starting on Monday 21st June 2021 all year groups will be sitting their summer exams.  Further information will be provided after half term to help you to support your child in preparing for their exams.


Free School Meals

E-mails containing a voucher link will be sent out during the course of next week to those eligible for free school meals. This will cover half term week and is funded by Stoke on Trent City Council to the value of £15 per eligible child.


7 June Inset Day – Virtual Learning

On the virtual learning day students need to follow their normal timetable through Microsoft teams. Work will be uploaded by their subject teacher to the usual team they would use each lesson. Work is to be completed throughout the day. There will be no live lessons due to staff training.




COVID Update

Please can we remind all families to complete Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) twice weekly. We recommend carrying out testing on a Sunday and Wednesday evening. Any positive results must be declared to the school as soon as possible.


Over May half term, we request that you continue testing and we will be making arrangements to contact trace as needed over the bank holiday weekend.



Year 7 Fundraising

We are very proud of Year 7 who are determined to show compassion for Ashton who is a Year 7 pupil at another school in the city who is being treated for a rare form of bone cancer.  They want to help his family to raise the money they need for the state-of-the-art treatment and prosthetic he needs.  So far, 7CU have raised £43.38p and 7KAJ have raised £28.92p. We have been so impressed to see their enthusiasm in contributing by baking, buying cakes, setting up the stall, selling the cakes and counting the money. 7DAJ are now preparing for their cake sale which will take place on Friday 24th May and all other forms will organise theirs during the final half term of the academic year.  Also on this date, Emily and Saleena (7CU) are organising a whole year group event which involves pupils paying a minimum of £2 to watch a film together in the hall from 1.45-3.30pm.


Student Leadership

We are delighted that so many year 10 pupils have completed applications to become members of the 2021-22 student leadership team.  Miss Mottershaw, Mrs Walker and Mrs Rooney are now shortlisting and students will be interviewed on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th May.


Weekly Questionnaire

Each week we are conducting a short survey so that we can better support your needs. This week the focus is on Wider Opportunities. Please use this link to submit your responses and thank you in advance for taking the time. https://forms.office.com/r/XuHrAeXLJT


Please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format if you have any questions. You can contact the office by email on info@bircheshead.org.uk.


Thank you for your continued support.


Yours Sincerely




Ms K Dixon
