Birches Head Academy (BHA) is pleased to share its most recent Ofsted inspection report, which took place on 28 January 2025. The school received positive feedback regarding its ongoing improvements and commitment to providing a high standard of education.

The report acknowledged the school’s dedication to addressing previous recommendations, particularly in areas such as behaviour and attendance. Inspectors found that “there has been a focus on improving the culture across the school and creating a calm, safe environment for all. Pupils and staff know that the bar has been raised… and that expectations are high.”

  Inspectors reported There have been several changes to the school’s leadership team since the previous inspection…” adding “Most pupils behave calmly and respectfully in lessons and as they move around the school. Leaders model warm, respectful relationships in their interactions with pupils. When pupils make the wrong choice, the school now uses a restorative approach to encourage them to get it right next time.”

 The report highlighted improvements in the consistency and quality of teaching across the school, with mention that “Work is underway to improve the quality of education at the school” and “there is a clear structure for monitoring its effectiveness and the team knows what needs to improve… ensuring the best outcomes and subsequent life choices for pupils.

 The school’s commitment to supporting its pupils was also highlighted. Inspectors noted “Pupils have been learning about the importance of celebrating and valuing diversity, for example through the work of the pupil-led ‘equal opps’ team…. pupils have a greater understanding about the difference between unkind behaviour and bullying.”

The school has “prioritised improving attendance and raising the profile of its importance with parents, carers, pupils and staff. Leaders at all levels are determined that all pupils will be supported and challenged to attend well.” The report added that leaders “…are using this information to work with parents to identify barriers and are working to remove these barriers, with notable and significant positive impact.”

 Inspectors also noted “There has been a focus on the development of middle and senior leaders to ensure that they have greater clarity around their roles and responsibilities within school improvement.”

Mr P Masher, Principal of Birches Head Academy said: “We are pleased with the outcome of the inspection and are proud of the progress we have made. This report demonstrates the hard work of our dedicated staff and the continued support of our pupils and their families. We remain focused on delivering the very best education and will continue to strive for excellence in everything we do.”

The full Ofsted  inspection report can be found on the school’s website at or on the Ofsted website at