Policies & Procedures

Statutory Policies:

Admission Arrangements (2024-25)

Admission Arrangements (2025-26)

Behaviour and Safety Policy (2024-25)

Careers Education & Information (2023-25)

Careers: Provider Access Policy (2024-25)

Charging & Remissions Policy (2024-25)

Early Career Teacher Induction Policy (2023-24)

Equality & Diversity Policy (2023-24)

Health & Safety (2023-24)

Relationships and Sex Education with Health Education (2024-27)

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (2024-25)

(Trust) Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (2023-24)

School Attendance & Punctuality Policy (2023-25)

Anti-Bullying Policy (2024-25)

Complaints Procedure (2024-25)

Suspension and Permanent Exclusions Policy (2024-25)

School Uniform Policy & Standards (2024-25)

SEND Policy (2023-24)

SEND Information Report (2023-24)

Staff Behaviour & Conduct (2023-25)

Supporting pupils with medical conditions (2023-24)

Children with health needs who cannot attend school (2023-24)

Pupil Premium Policy (2024-25)

Pupil Premium Strategy and Review (2023-24)

Music Development Plan (2024-25)

Non-Statutory Policies:

Accessibility Policy (2024-27)

Examinations Contingency Plan (2023-24)

Non-Examination Assessment Policy (2023-24)

Whistle-Blowing Procedures (2023-25)

GDPR, Data Protection and Privacy Notices:

Data Protection Policy (2023-24)

eSafety Policy (2023-24)

Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme (2023-24)

ICT Acceptable Use Agreement Policy (2023-24)

Records Management Retention Schedules (2023-24)

Social Media Policy and Procedures (2023-24)

Third Party Request for Information Procedure (2023-24)

Privacy Notice – Applicants and Staff (2023-24)

Privacy Notice College Applicants and Students (2023-24)

Privacy Notice for Contractors and Visitors (2023-24)

Privacy Notice Students and their Families – High School Academies (2023-24)


Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality Policy (2023-25)

Trust Master Funding Agreement

Trust Accounts (for the period ended 31 August 2023)

Trust Accounts (for the period ended 31 August 2022)

Trust Accounts (for the period ended 31 August 2021)

Trust Accounts (for the period ended 31 August 2020)

Trust Accounts (for the period ended 31 August 2019)

Related Party Transactions

Supplementary Funding Agreement (BHA)


LGB Governance Information

Trust Governance & Scheme of Delegation Arrangements

Hard copies of all policies can be obtained by contacting the school directly.