Dear Parents / Carers, 

Our Experience Week has been a fitting close to this academic year, with pupils across all year groups participating in trips and activities to develop their social capital and enrich their learning outside of the classroom. I have been impressed with the skills demonstrated by our pupils when facing new challenges and, most importantly, their positive attitude and efforts, with lots of positive feedback from staff and our external visitors. 

As we end this academic year and take time to reflect, it is also important for us to look forward and I have shared some key updates and reminders below. Please do take the time to familiarise yourself and your child with this information to ensure that we have a positive start to the new academic year in September. 

Experience Week 

Luckily, the weather has mainly been on our side this week as our pupils have enjoyed taking part in Experience Week. We have continued to be a hive of activity outside of the classroom with trips going out to Warwick Castle, Chester Zoo, Outward Bound and The Crocky Trail, as well as pupils taking part in our annual Sports Day event at Northwood Stadium. Pupils have also had the opportunity to challenge themselves and experience success in activities delivered in partnership with external agencies in school such as circus skills, treasure hunts, Quidditch matches and uncovering The Traitor. The engagement and enthusiasm of the pupils this week has demonstrated that learning experiences outside the classroom are vital in developing the social capital of our pupils. 

Year 10 Work Experience 

We have run a full work experience week for the first time this year for our Year 10 pupils. Special thanks to Mr Gordon and Mrs Orlando for helping so many pupils to secure placements and provide a programme in school of work experience for pupils who were unable to find a placement. Work Experience is an incredibly valuable programme, where pupils are given an opportunity to gain an insight into their chosen or potential career path and into the world of work. The programme helps pupils build and develop their employability skills, gain essential first-hand experience, and also supports applications to 6th Forms / Colleges, Universities, and to potential employers. Well done to all our Year 10 pupils who took part, I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences in the new academic year. 

September 2024 First Day Back Arrangements 

The school term begins on Monday 2nd September and this is an INSET Day for staff only where training will be delivered focusing on our key priorities to drive school improvement. 

Year 7 pupils return to school on Tuesday 3rd September and the whole school (Year 7 – 11) returns on Wednesday 4th September. The main entrance gate will be open from 8am for any pupils wishing to access Breakfast Club and all pupils are to be at their Line Up area by 8:30am every day. 

Year 7 Line Up Area = The Plaza. 

Year 8 & Year 9 Line Up Area = The Basketball Court. 

Year 10 & Year 11 Line Up Area = The Front Yard 

To ensure that we start well and all pupils are ready to learn, I will be delivering assemblies to all year groups alongside Mr Baxendale and Mrs Toach focusing on our Routines, Rewards and CATA. Pupils 

will also receive their timetables and other key information from their Form Tutors to start the academic year positively. 

Preparation for September – Attendance Matters 

Attendance to school is our number one priority and it is essential for your child’s academic and social development that they attend school every day, aiming for 100% attendance. You will receive a separate letter and information pack from Mrs Toach outlining in detail your parental responsibility, why attendance matters and how we will work in partnership with you to ensure your child attends every day. 

The odd day of absence may not seem a big deal, but every hour of learning missed contributes to gaps in learning. A day of absence every other week equates to 10% absence and over the course of your child’s school life, this totals half a year of lost learning. Every lesson, every day counts. 

Uniform Standards 

We have high standards and expectations of our pupils and the correct wearing of our BHA uniform has been a focus over this past term. We will continue with this focus from September and ALL pupils are to wear their full school uniform each day of the week. To support this, I urge you all to read our Uniform Standards from our website for full details: 

Areas I would like to specifically direct you to in the above Uniform Policy are: 

  • Shoes – Black school shoes to be worn. Trainers / leisure footwear are not allowed. Please refer to our visual guide on our website for help. Some footwear providers advertise footwear as school shoes that are not in accordance with our guidance. 
  • Jewellery / piercings – only a watch is permitted and no other jewellery or piercings are allowed. If your child gets a piercing in the holidays, it must be removed, no exceptions or spacers, for the start of the new academic year in September. 
  • Black V neck jumpers – these can be school badged or plain black V neck. No other ‘alternatives’ or badged / logo items are allowed. 
  • Skirt length – skirts should be worn on the knee or just below to allow for growth. 
  • Mobile Phones – are not permitted and should not be seen or heard on the school grounds. 

Pupils should arrive to our Academy ready to learn. This means that all pupils should have their Academy bag, a pencil case containing pencils, pens, ruler, eraser and their knowledge Organiser, which will be provided in September, every day. Pupils will also need the correct PE kit as outlined in the above Uniform Standards on the appropriate day for PE lessons or extra-curricular clubs. 

Dates to remember 

  • Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st August: Summer School 
  • Thursday 22nd August: Year 11 Results Day 
  • Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August: Summer School 
  • Monday 2nd September: INSET Day for staff – school closed to pupils 
  • Tuesday 3rd September: Year 7 pupils only 
  • Wednesday 4th September: All pupils return 

Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy summer and thank you for your support since my arrival on 1st May. I am very optimistic for the new academic year and I am confident that by working positively in partnership, we can support and challenge your child in equal measure to be successful here at BHA. 

As always, please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format if you have any questions. You can contact the office by email on 

Yours sincerely, 

Mr P Masher 
